Dress To Express With Wenin || Our Exclusive Interview with Founder/Designer Salam Dajani
Authentic self-expression seems to be Salam’s middle name; for those who know the beautiful Salam Dajani, know that she doesn’t shy away from self-expression and her uber-interesting sense of style should have been an indicator of things to come. Wenin, Salam’s ingenious new label, was born of a need to unleash creativity in the form of unique self- expression that is second nature to Salam. First impressions do count so use your fashionable sense of style to make a statement without using words and don’t be afraid to stand out and be yourself ….that is the spirit of Wenin.

When Salam was back in university studying architecture, her mother once came back from a trip to Turkey bringing gifts for the whole family. Salam’s share of the gifts was a roll of fabric that Salam had no idea what to do with. Her mother just shrugged when Salam inquired about the reason behind such a gift. The roll of fabric went into a souvenir box filled with other familial memorabilia, only to see the light of day many many years later. Salam’s mother obviously knew her daughter well enough to foresee her future and she knew Salam would eventually find her calling even if it took her a few good years to actually realise that.
On her deathbed her mother’s final words to Salam were “My Salam you have golden fingers, create with your hands, for you will turn everything into gold.”

It was years later when Salam was in need of some family documents that she opened her priceless souvenirs box only to come across her fabric roll and to remember her mother’s final words… the rest is history. Three years ago Salam enrolled at a fashion design course at none other than Marangoni Fashion Institute in Milan with the support of her loved ones. Upon completion of her course her teacher greatly encouraged her to keep going and to actually do something about her flawless talent and thankfully she did. And what a seamless experience that was for Salam….Just like the saying goes “When the student is ready the teacher will appear”…Salam, who was conscious enough of her strengths and weakness, realised that in order to make things work she needed to find the right people to help her realise her vision …and she did. Salam designs and carefully chooses the fabrics and then she relegates the production and execution to her Italian team that handle Wenin with such passion and devotion. “Find what you love and let it kill you” are Babouski’s words that drive Salam’s creativity along with her late mother’s find words.
“Whenever I’m in Milan the inspiration rushes back, I find myself getting inspired by nature and every detail around me. I walk the streets and different random people simply being themselves, inspire me.” Salam explains.

Wenin (inspired by When In, a personal state of mind and feeling) is a timeless theme label that was born in Milan in 2017. A dynamic fashion label that seeks to be an extension of the wearer; every Wenin piece tells a story and shares an emerging emotion. Love is the driving emotion and they hope to empower through love and caring. Every single piece is intended to become a tool by which the wearer can communicate with the world expressing freedom, harmony and balance. Wenin presents a new concept of a more elegant street wear, and a more hip evening wear. Unique fabrics, strength, fluidity and transparency, are all interwoven elements of the design process that is serious yet playful, geometrical and naturally adaptable….it is simply the future…
Wenin’s production team is conveniently located in Milan and they have managed to integrate Wenin into Milan and Shanghai’s Fashion Weeks, however, a runway show is still in the future works until the brand is better known. Spring/Summer 2019 will be their first collection and Salam has created 36 pieces for that collection. Wenin is an up-market brand similar in pricing to No. 21, the sizing will range from 36-48 Italian and it will be available for sale online early next year starting with their second collection. So don’t worry you will not need to hold your breaths for a lot longer….stay tuned to learn more about this stunning emerging brand that combines the best of both worlds….a progressive Arab designer with Italian exquisite execution….