Have You Heard Of The “Contoured” Tummy Tuck?
Let’s admit it; the most annoying thing that a woman can experience is a stubborn fat around her waist. After all, we all dream of that perfect hourglass figure. However, these fats seem to never go away no matter how hard you go on yourself when it comes to diets and workouts. Here where tummy tuck -the third most popular plastic surgery- comes in handy.
This promising surgery has helped many women to get their pre weight gain/ pre pregnancy body back with its guaranteed results. But what you should be aware of is that not all tummy tucks are the same. Traditional approaches to tummy tuck surger give unnaturally flat surgical results that are displeasing to patients. Yes, it gives you a firmer and flatter abdomen. However, it lacks the contours and definition found in naturally flat abdomen.
To help patients achieve their aesthetic goals, Dr. Christopher Patronella has been perfecting the “True Form Tummy Tuck” or as he call it the “two-dimensional tummy tuck approach”. This approach focuses on giving you as natural results as possible. So what is “True Form Tummy Tuck”, who is it for, and how does it work?
What is “True Form Tummy Tuck”?
The focus here isn’t merely tightening and pulling the stomach tissues flat, but actually recreate a natural, contoured and more defined abdomen. That said, this approach does not only focuses on the lower abs like other approaches do, but it actually take the tummy as one aesthetic unit which gives you more natural-looking results. Friends and strangers won’t easily recognize that you went under surgery.
The Best Candidates?
While it can be done to anyone, the best candidates for the procedure are the \”fit\” ones. That’s because it uses the person’s own fatty tissue. In any case, if you decided to do the “contoured” tummy tuck there are few things that you need to take into consideration; pregnancy plans, your current weight.
If you are planning on having more kids, it’s better to wait and do the procedure after giving birth of your last pregnancy. Cause as we all know giving birth wreak havoc on the abdominal skin.
Also, although the procedure removes excess fat around your tummy area, it is not a weight loss alternative. So it is recommended to be at or near your ideal weight before two months of considering doing the procedure.
How Does It Work?
Unlike other tummy tuck approaches that pulls tissues downward to flatten the stomach, “True Form Tummy Tuck” “accents the various natural contours along the upper and lower abdomen, highlighting the natural midline contour and soft muscle definition to restore a smooth and natural-looking abdomen. ” said Dr. Patronella.
It also includes waist contouring, smooth transition at the incision line between the lower abdomen and the pubic area and an equal firmness above and below the navel. This happens by pulling the skin and tissues downward all the way from the lower ribcage to the pubic hairline.
The procedure uses internal suturing and reattaches your belly button to the muscles so a youthful navel with a deep inward contour is restored.
Last but not least, the internal suturing helps bringing the weakened muscles together to tighten them so you end up with a more structured stomach wall.
What To Expect?
After the procedure, you will need 10-14 days recovery. After that you will be able to drive and do your daily life activities. That’s why it is recommended to check your schedule for any parties, weddings or holidays in advance to be able to participate.
The results are more contoured, sculpted and natural-looking abdomen with a cut that is way easier to conceal.