Is Social Media Redefining Success?
It’s no surprise that our world is shrinking by the second. The transformations and accelerations in transportation and technology almost feel surreal. Just via a click, a world unfolds where you can contact people located thousands of miles away.
Over the course of the past decade social media has emerged like no other; rapidly, swiftly, and even naturally. In just a blink of an eye, time flew by, our world has gone from sending archaic handwritten letters, to only minimise it all to one singular emoji.
A tech driven era is not a bad thing. But with it, comes a rise in social media and a backdrop of stereotypes. Albeit the fun social media can bring us, it plays a major role in the permeation of divisive stereotypes.
Within the 21st century, categorizes and labels have incrementally taken over. Yes, I am referring to the cultural stereotypes brought on. But importantly, the criteria we repeatedly mark ourselves against.
The excessive use of social platforms such as Instagram, snapchat, Facebook, and even WhatsApp have led us to believe that there is always a component lacking from our lives. We are always in search of that instant gratification social media gives us. As average human beings, we are persistently competing for recognition. And, as a result, there is a constant urge driving us to post every detail of our lives online. Be honest with yourself, how many times have you compared yourself to that influencer that lost twenty pounds during lockdown? When was the last time you based your meals off your Instagram feed? Or better yet, were you even at the party if it wasn’t showcased on your snapchat?
Our minds have been rewired to believe that oversharing all our highs and lows on social media is essential. With the rise of influencers such Chiara Ferragni, Camila Coelho, and Karen Wazen, our minds are able to fathom much more relatable content. However, simultaneously, there is a specific criterion being forced upon us, making us believe that success has specific requirements.
influencers are gaining popularity, as to the average person, they are far more \’real\’ or relatable than A listers, but are you really aspiring to build a multibillion clothing brand or is that just another empty box needing to be ticked on your social success ticket? Belonging to the mediocrity state of life is not wrong, if it ignites joy and fulfils you inside out you have found your success. It is not compulsory to attend the gym five times a week. You are not required to have completed your bucket list before thirty-one. And yes, you can enjoy your meal without snapping a dozen photos of it before even taking your first bite.
The digital world social media has cultivated may have caused you to believe that you in a lifelong race of who did what first, with ultimately no reward besides the possibility of status. It is pivotal you remember, at the end of the day, it is up to you if you choose to race or walk the side-lines. Are you happy where you currently belong? Or do you need more? Is your endgame like everyone else’s? Or does your passion lie elsewhere, somewhere a bit more lowkey? Fame is an option, and it is up to you if you decide to take that path. Social media may have temporarily redefined success, but it is up to you to whether or not that is the definition you subscribe to.