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Filler Treatments

Things To Avoid After Filler Treatments

The incredible results of filler have made it one of the most sought-after treatments among women aiming for a youthful complexion, fuller lips, and diminished lines. But did you know that achieving the desired results requires avoiding many things as basic as going to your dentist? Along with other surprising things listed below. 

1 || Microcurrent

Filler Treatments

To ensure optimal results and minimize swelling and inflammation, it is recommended to wait one week before using a microcurrent tool after filler injections. Additionally, for a duration of two weeks, avoid any activities or procedures that involve intense manual massage of the treated areas. This precaution extends to at-home radiofrequency and microcurrent devices as well.

2 || Gua Sha

Filler Treatments

Due to its intensive nature as a facial massage, Gua sha should be avoided for two weeks after getting filler injections. It is essential to allow the filler enough time to settle in before resuming the use of such tools.

3 || Wearing Goggles

Filler Treatments

This includes ski masks or swim goggles. You should avoid wearing these during the one week after the facial filler. 

4 || Dentist Appointments

Filler Treatments

Yes, this one surprised us as well. You don’t want to schedule dental procedures such as cleanings and cavity fillings too close to your filler appointment. To steer clear of the risk of infection, it is better to arrange your dental appointments two weeks after your filler injections.

5 || Vaccinations

Filler Treatments

To minimize the risk of swelling around the filler, it is advisable to refrain from getting vaccinations within two weeks of receiving filler injections.

6 || Massages

Filler Treatments

If you love face massages, don’t panic. You only need to avoid them for one week post your filler treatment. When your filler isn’t settled yet, you don’t want to put it at risk of migration.